Repealing Safe Harbour Laws

Unfortunately amplifying and spreading hate, lies and deception, can be very profitable.

Law already exists to protect us from hate, lies and deception but their is a giant loop hole for business that provide access to others’ digital property. These loophole laws are called safe harbour laws.

The American 1996 Communications Decency Act, Canadian Laws and the new Canada US Mexico free trade agreement, protect digital platforms from being sued for re-posting what would be deemed harmful content by a court of law. This loophole allows platforms to profit enormously at others expense. To close up that loophole but still preserve freedom of speech to a high degree. We need to close that loophole for business but leave it open for nonprofit public digital libraries that are prohibited from surveilling their users and exposing their users to third party advertising.

The reason for making this harsh distinction between the rights of a private enterprise and a public one is that the private platforms amplify and spread specific content for a fee thus creating the opportunity to buy the means to harm others and to profit at their expense. Public Libraries are neutral. They do not push content at users, they do not offer any opportunity to third parties to amplify and spread any specific message.