This website [ https://no-ads.ca ] will never ask you for money or advertise for a third party.
Its purpose is to change minds and move legislation.
Here is a brochure you can share –
Thank you. If you want to help this is what you can do:
Online share The Petition Link. — www.no-ads.ca/the-petition
Encourage others to sign it and explain why this new public service will be very good for everyone.
Encourage others to volunteer One at a time at your own pace
• one personal conversation at a time
• one group conversation at a time
• one email at a time
• one online post at a time -
Write your elected representatives.
Let’s let people know that:
- the proposal is about the creation of a Canadian National Online Public Library.
- we can protect our democracy and our wallets by de-privatizing the media-content-access industry which is presently monopolized by the advertising industry.
- we don’t think anyone is showing proof otherwise, but we guess that advertising extracts 2-3 times more funds form the media-audience than it contributes to the production of the audience’s programs and services.
- we don’t need foreign firms controlling and manipulating media.
- we can create and fund our own online cultural infrastructure.
By creating and funding a National Online Public Library we can de-privatize:
• search engine services
• social media services
• news, information and entertainment access services
Relying on the media advertising industry to fund those services;
• creates a huge undemocratic opportunity for the rich to buy a manipulative voice
• costs us 2-3 times more than what it costs to produce the content we use (again our guess but we would love to see differing evidence)
Thank you in advance for helping to promote The Online Public Library Proposal so that we can
• change minds
• move legislation
This website [ https://no-ads.ca ] will never ask you for money or advertise for a third party.
Its purpose is to change minds and move legislation.