
As a result of passing an Act of Parliament to found The Canadian National Online Public Library, this new online public service is expected to:
— raise the opportunity for all Canadians to access the best online content,
— create good jobs for workers in the news and entertainment production industry,
— lower the opportunity to buy third party advertising,
— raise the opportunity for the free market to work naturally,
— raise the level of education,
— lower the cost of education,
— raise the standard of living,
— lower the cost of living,
— strengthen democracy,
— reverse the expansion of the wealth gap, and
— eliminate copyright piracy online.

The Reasoning Supporting the Eleven Expectations listed in the WHEREAS section of the Petition for a Canadian National Online Public Library [ https://no-ads.ca/the-petition/ ]

1. Why this New Public Service will— raise the opportunity for all Canadians to access the best online content.

People will use the service because it will have no paywall and it will not expose them to third party advertising. No ads and free.

Content production businesses and copyright owners will add their content to to the Online Public Library as a way to make a fair profit and to access a larger market. It will make their work available to everyone including people who previously could not afford to access exclusive content that was inaccessible behind a paywall.

2. Why this New Public Service will— create good jobs for workers in the news and entertainment production industry.

The Service will provide a robust and fair revenue stream for the content production industry. Because it is a public service it does not need to take a profit so the service will be able to pay a higher fee to the copyright owners for the use of their content while at the same time extracting less from Canadians in taxes to fund the service than would otherwise we extracted from Canadians by the online advertising industry.

3. Why this New Public Service will — lower the opportunity to buy third party advertising

The service will make online third party advertising a thing of the past. Most people will take their access demands to the public service because it is free of charge and free of advertising. With no audience left to advertise to we will see the end of third party advertising on the internet.

4. Why this New Public Service will — raise the opportunity for the free market to work naturally

Advertising creates artificial demand. That means it tends to make people want things that otherwise they would not be wanting if they had not been influenced by advertising. The artificial demand raises prices so even though consumers end up paying a higher price for purchases they receive no extra value.The result is that the merchant pockets the difference and makes a bigger profit without providing any extra value to the consumer. In a media environment polluted by advertising, advertising becomes a necessity for businesses to compete for market share. When we can turn to an advertising free content access service, the force of artificial demand will no longer be influencing consumers. Life will be more affordable and business success will depend on competition in the market based on quality and price not hype.

5. Why this New Public Service will — raise the level of education

The best textbooks and peer reviewed academic papers will be available for everyone. There will be more time for people to study and learn what they choose because time that otherwise would be wasted waiting for an online advertisement to end, will become available for real study.

6. Why this New Public Service will — lower the cost of education

Students will no longer have to pay for online textbooks and access to instructional videos. The Online Public Library will be able to provide access, paying fees for use at wholesale prices.

7. Why this New Public Service will — raise the standard of living

It is generally accepted that raising the level of education raises the standard of living.

8. Why this New Public Service will — lower the cost of living

Life will become more affordable with lower prices for goods and services and less pressure to over consume and buy on impulse.

9. Why this New Public Service will — strengthen democracy

The third party advertising financed access industry which currently dominates the online communication system, totally undermines a basic principle of democracy which is that people should have an equal voice.
This system we have where money can buy a louder and more far reaching voice in the public conversation, weakens democracy. An internet that is free from third party advertising will therefore strengthen democracy. It is important to understand that by founding a Canadian National Online Public Library, we can severely limit advertising on the internet without banning advertising on the internet. Attempts to regulate or ban advertising on the internet, will invite massive freedom of speech legal challenges.

10. Why this New Public Service will — reverse the expansion of the wealth gap

The gap between the rich and poor is expanding because poorer people pay too much for the things they think they have to have, and the rich people are profiting from providing overpriced goods and services to poorer people. For all the reasons above, a Canadian National Online Public Library will help to both lower the cost of goods and services, including social services, as well as raise workers wages.

11. Why this New Public Service will — eliminate copyright piracy online.

There is no point to stealing something that is available for free.