About Democratically Determined Public Funding for Media

This website [ https://no-ads.ca ] will never ask you for money or advertise for a third party.

Its purpose is to change minds and move legislation.


You Never Change Things By Fighting The Existing Reality.
To Change Something, Build a New Model That Makes
The Existing Model Obsolete
– Buckminster Fuller



Democratically Determined

Public Funding for Media

a fair way for Online Public Libraries to sustain and reward digital content production

The design for this funding model for the media was built on the wishes to have a system where:

1. everyone has equal access to information
2. everyone has an equal say in how public funds are dispersed to copyright owners

There are three parts to the system:

1. Collecting Tax Revenue – The government acts as a fund collecting utility to collect a pool of funds through highly progressive taxation. A progressive tax is a tax that imposes a lower tax rate on low-income earners compared to those with a higher income, making it based on the taxpayer’s ability to pay. That means it takes a larger percentage from high-income earners than it does from low-income individuals.

These funds are used by an Online Public Library to pay for the public’s use of media content.

2. Automatic payment for use – Only for media-content that is advertising-free, a National Online Public Library would pay copyright owners for use of their media-content. Payment would be automatic micro payments triggered by each use and paid after a 30 day delay.

3. User’s manual option to block payment –  When a person accesses content and triggers an automatic payment but then finds the content to be deceptive, inappropriate or unworthy, the person would have the manual option to block the payment their use triggered. This will discourage those who may wish to profit from deception.

A National Online Public Library is a system where neither the government nor wealthy interests will have a say in what media gets funded. As it should be in a democracy, funding choices will be made by the citizens.

Two additional conditions on the funding formula are necessary. There has to be: 1) an extra subsidy for media to present minority views — the general need to incentivize and sustain production of media for local and other niche audiences can be facilitated by using an inverse popularity pay scale; and 2) for a period of perhaps for 20 to 50 years, subsidy for print and broadcast media for the sake of people who cannot afford to use, or learn to use the internet.

With few exceptions people dislike Interruption Advertising. If people were given the choice between media with or without advertising, they would choose ad-free media.

This proposed system is meant to replace the current system of funding the media through advertising which has serious drawbacks for a democratic society.

Media advertising takes an excessive toll on our time. Time is money.

  • Democracy — A National Online Public Library will eliminate the undemocratic opportunity that now exists: for the rich to buy extra access to audiences for the purpose of shaping public opinions on political policy.

  • Time — A National Online Public Library will eliminate the waste of millions of man hours lost due to advertising.

  • Taxes — Although A National Online Public Library means a tax increase, it should also allow more than an equivalent reduction in the cost of living. The costs of advertising are built into the price of goods and services. It is like a hidden tax.

  • Equality of Voice — A National Online Public Library will replace a system where money can buy a voice in the public sphere with a system where all have an equal opportunity to express themselves publicly.

  • Market Equality — A National Online Public Library will allow market forces to operate based on real demand, not the false demand created by advertising. Business success will depend on competitive pricing and on delivering quality, not hype.

  • Dictated Censorship — A National Online Public Library will eliminate the censorship problem we sometimes have, when media owners, writers and editors self-censor so as not to offend the advertisers who fund their work.

  • Piracy — A National Online Public Library will eliminate the problem and the huge expense of policing copyright. There will be no point in illegally downloading or streaming when content is available free of charge for users.

  • Ethics — A National Online Public Library will eliminate the problem and huge expense of attempting to police ethics in advertising.

Democratically Funded Media guarantees that media content citizens choose to consume is the media that will be funded.

Democratically Funded Media: All info, news and entertainment on request for everyone for no charge with no advertising, no paywalls and no piracy.

 If it is good it does not need to be advertised in the media. Friends and family share knowledge.


info@no-ads.ca SOCIALIZED MEDIA: Abolish advertising in the media and replace this source of funding with government funding based on arms length independent ratings.

Thank you very much for reading about and considering the online public library proposal.

This website [ https://no-ads.ca ] will never ask you for money or advertise for a third party.

Its purpose is to change minds and move legislation.